Anna Calogero

Urban Development and Housing Advisor

MSc (Eng), MAS (Urban Design), Eur Eng

After graduating with a Master in Building Engineering/Architecture at the University of Pavia in 2009, Anna studied at the ETH in Zurich, where she completed her Master of Urban Design, with a thesis in low-cost housing and informal neighbourhoods upgrading.

After working for FBW Architecten in 2010, Anna accrued over five years of experience working in the humanitarian sector in Haiti with a focus on public housing and community engagement. In her time in Haiti she has project managed and delivered multiple housing programmes with a participatory approach, working with organisations such as J/P HRO and Build Change.

She employs an integrated approach to project development and management, which she developed after working with different community groups, local authorities and various stakeholders involved in the development process.

Learn more about Anna's previous experience on her LinkedIn profile